Simon Marcoux

Hey there, I'm Simon. I am helping men achieve their goals and win their dream girl.

Join me every Saturday as I deliver insights on masculinity, seduction, and self-improvement.

Elevate your game

Relationship Coaching

I will transform the game for you. Not getting high-quality women? Want to win over your dream girl? This is your answer. We will get on a call for either 30 min or an hour to level up your strategy. You will get all my expertise for only $30 for half an hour.

Transform your look

Optimize Your Dating Profile

I will optimize your dating profile so that you will get a match, guaranteed. For only $40, this is the fastest and most efficient way to fix your dating life.

About Me

Hey there, I am Simon. I am a successful businessman and owner of two sushi restaurants.I had a lot of experience with women and during that time learned the ins and outs of dating and relationships. With my knowledge, I decided to use those experiences to help other men avoid the same mistakes I made in the past.My goal is to coach men on how to be the best version of themselves and teach them how to attract a woman through confidence and masculinity. I preach the importance of self-improvement and becoming the kind of man that women unconsciously want to be with.Let me help you unleash your inner beast.

"Simon is one of the most authentic people I know. He has helped dozens of guys to improve their life and win over women. You will not regret working with him."

Collin Cooper
Philosopher, Entrepreneur,
Bestselling Author

"Working with Simon has completely changed the way that I view masculinity and relationships. He is a great guy to get on a call with and is super easy to talk to."

Chris Munguia, Twitter Creator & High Ticket Sales Expert

"I have been working with Simon for a while, and he practices what he preaches. He gives me simple actionable steps that have made a massive difference in my life."

Vastimil, 21 Year Old Student

Unleash Your Inner Beast

Click the link below to schedule a free call where I will show you the path forward.